
Learn a language during self-quarantine to prepare for your next trip

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Many of us don’t know when we’ll be able to travel abroad again next time. But that doesn’t have to mean that we should forget our dream! What’s a better way of spending a lot of time indoors, than to learn a language for your future travel?

And by learning new language before travelling you can communicate with people much more easily, find out things about the place you’re visiting, and in general getting a much richer experience. Although, it can be difficult to know where to start, what tools to use and which language to pick. Let us help you kickstart your journey towards your next travel destination , somewhere in the future, when things are going back to normal.

Apps – a quick and fun way to start

Perhaps an obvious one, but it can be a great way to test the water and start familiarising yourself with a language. With apps ranging from the classic Duolingo to language-specific ones such as Hiragana Quest, it’s worth doing a bit of research before you pay for your subscription. If you’ve got a clear idea of which language you want to study then going for the language-specific apps will make a noticeable difference. You may have already spotted that we’ve put together a few lists of our favourite language learning apps for KoreanJapanese and Chinese. With many people with extra time over to spend, this might also be a perfect time ot try out apps for person-to-person interactions, such as Italki.

Textbooks for a great foundation

With more time on your hands, it might be worth taking a more in-depth approach to learning your new language and a textbook your best friend in that case. Apps can be great for conversational learning but if you’re looking to properly learn a language then textbooks will give you a more in-depth overview of the constructs of a language and help you get everything just right. If not, it’s a great complement to an app.

Learn Online

Take free online language courses in English, French, Mandarin and more. Courses include English Grammar and Essay Writing from UC Berkeley, Chinese Language: Learn Basic Mandarin from MandarinX, Conversational English from Tsinghua University, Japanese Pronunciation from Waseda University and more!



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